In this blog we will be discussing the different grout styles available for your stone veneer project. Firstly, you need to consider the overall look you are going for in the finished product to determine grout styles. For instance, someone looking for a modern and chic look will probably go with a profit stone that does not require any grouting as there is no space between the joints. If you would like to read more about profit stone visit our blog here.

Kitchen peninsula with application of profit cultured stone.


The image to the left shows a kitchen peninsula featuring profit stone without any visible grout between the joints.

Secondly, the use of grouting between the joints is dictated by the stone type chosen. For instance, certain manufactured stone products tend to be thinner than others and require a great deal of cutting to be laid in a dry stack pattern. For more information on dry stacking of stone visit our blog here.


Now that you have chosen to go with a mortar joint the options vary greatly. For instance, you can go with deeply struck (cut back) joints which highlight the shape of the stone. The image below illustrates this look well.

Fieldstone with grouting cut back to reveal the outline of the stone
Canyon fieldstone on backside of a fireplace showing grout that has been cut back to reveal the stone shape


Conversely, you can go with a look featuring mortar that has been left quite flush. Flush joints tend to create more of a country look. In the image below the clients covered their old brick fireplace with a blend of Boral cultured stone featuring a fieldstone and ledgestone blend. The picture below illustrates this look.

Stone veneer over a brick fireplace. Grout styles featuring wide mortar joints left flush.
Cultured stone veneer covering a brick fireplace featuring wider flush mortar joints

Finally, you might choose to go with an over-grout mortar joint. This style really mimics the old world look and feel. Picture an old European Villa with the mortar covering the edges of the stones. The image below features a fireplace with over-grouted joints. It also features a rustic bee=am which enhances the overall look.

Thin cut stone veneer fireplace with vertical stone feature.

Thin cut stone veneer fireplace with vertical stone feature.


In conclusion, deciding on grouting your stone project is a personal one with many variations to available. Regardless of which option you choose, stone veneer adds warmth and character to any home improvement project. We would love to help you plan your next home renovation project featuring stone veneer. Contact us for a no obligation quote at or phone 705-794-6759.