In this blog I will be discussing stone fireplace mantels. Choosing to include a fireplace mantel in your fireplace design hinges on many factors. Firstly, do you have room to include a mantel in your stone fireplace. Secondly, what are you using your mantel for. Thirdly, what look do want to achieve with your fireplace mantels.
Lets look at the first question. Depending on the height you place your fireplace unit at a mantel might not work. The image below shows a fireplace without a mantel. Here, the fireplace is quite high off the floor which allows sight lines to the flame from anywhere in this basement multipurpose room.

Not all rooms are tall enough to include protruding fireplace mantels and some are combustible and need to be kept clear of the heat source. If the area above the mantel is too short it could leave a look that is less pleasing to the eye. We will discuss ways to make a mantel work in these cases later in the blog. There is no mantel on the fireplaces below, yet they are still very attractive.

Let’s consider the second question: what are you using your mantel for? Fireplace mantels help to deflect heat away from electronics and artwork. TVs placed above fireplaces are a popular option, however, heat can be damaging to electronics so mantels can offer some protection.

Finally, let’s look at the third question: What look do you wish to achieve with your fireplace mantels? With so many styles of mantels to choose from it can be a difficult decision. The addition of a reclaimed barn beam mantel can give a rustic look to a fireplace as seen in the image below.

You may wish your mantel to wrap around the sides of your fireplace giving you more space to put decorative accents. The wrap around mantel below also includes a step back to create architectural contrast to this fireplace.

Your room may not be tall enough to have a protruding mantel due to required clearances to combustibles. Creating a slight step back will solve this problem. In the image below featuring Eldorado ledgestone, we did a step back allowing for a mantel while still having a large section of stone above.

Some people want their stone fireplace mantels to be as much of a feature as their fireplaces, which is the case with the mantel pictured below. This mantel was part of a spectacular post and beam build in Parry Sound. To read more about this project visit our blog here.

In conclusion, whether you are using your stone fireplace mantels for aesthetics or function or both, let the Cultured Stoners help you create the fireplace of your dreams. Contact us at 705-794-6759 or email and we would be happy to help.